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Nallur Temple

Nallur Kandasamy Temple is one of the popular places in Jaffna where lot of people visit here daily for to offer prayers to Lord Muruga.

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Nainatheevu is an Island with worshiping places which were built in the ancient times. It is called Nagadeepa in Sinhala.

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Sri Lanka Visitor Visas.

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Sangilean Thoppu

7:32 PM 12/9/2024

Sangilean Thoppu is located in Nallur, Jaffna. It is not a bigger monument to visit and view, but it stands as the monument of the last Tamil king who ruled the Yarlpana Kingdom (Jaffna). This was the capital of Jaffna Kingdom (7th century CE) and its business city was named as Yarlpana Pattinam. In Tamil language Pattinam means that a town that is located next to sea. Meanwhile "Pattanam" means that the city which is located surrounded by land (in Tamil language). For example Kandy town is called as Kandy Pattanam in Tamil.

On the Point Pedro road after passing the Nallur temple you can view Sangilean Thoopu. This is the remaining of the King's palace entrance. And behind to it you can view the perfectly constructed Yamuna “aree” which was the King's official bathing place. From there on the same road you can go to view the minister's building which is called as "Manthiri Maligai" in Tamil language. It is well built building and still it remains in good condition. Now local people are renovating it to its original shape.

You can reach this historical Sangilean Thoppu with any vehicle or with public transport system from the Jaffna town centre. Many people used to visit here with a bicycle or with motorcycle. Best time to visit on any day at day light time with a TUK TUK( Three Wheel Transport). Before to board the Tuk Tuk ask if there is any Tariff Meter is available for the trip if not ask the price for the journey. If not make the correct price for the trip. If you ask the driver on waiting the price may go up. It is better to visit here when you are visiting the popular Nallur Murugan Temple.

Visiting Tourists can be done on rent out scooter and travel to this location, if they have their country valid driving license. Also there are bicycles and motorcycles too are available at reasonable daily rental basis. There are no restaurants available in this location. You have to travel back to Jaffna for to get your European meals. Actually this place is mostly visited by Tamil expatriate people to remember their history in the psat.

Currently there are plans to renovate this building's front side. So before to visit there confirm it whether you can view the structure or not. Also you can visit to the Royal pond "Jamuna ari" next to Sangilian Thoppu..

You can find lot of fine dining Restaurants that serve traditional Jaffna dishes along with Indian, Chinese and European Dishes at affordable price around the Nallur area..

Jaffna Dutch Fort

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