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Nallur Kandasamy Temple is one of the popular places in Jaffna where lot of people visit here daily for to offer prayers to Lord Muruga.
Nainatheevu is an Island with worshiping places which were built in the ancient times. It is called Nagadeepa in Sinhala.
7:33 AM 1/23/2025
Camping facilities in Sri Lanka will give good Holiday experience for the visiting Tourists. Camping is carried by lot of tourists and by local people too in different locations. People can reserve camping sites and get camping gears on rent from the service providers located in Colombo. If you are interested to go on camping in anypart of Sri Lanka, you must bring your own equipments from Colombo or from nearby towns. Some companies are offering camping caravans, camping gears and similar types of facilities at affordable rental price. You can rent out such camping caravans and bring them to Jaffna or to other places. But most of the ideal places may lack running water, Electricity and cooking gas supply. So you have to depend on your rented power generators, large bottled water bottles and camping gas. in addition the facilities and sites are not like in the developed countries in Sri Lanka.
Most of the Governments which are depending on tourist income, dosen't like to have backpackers using cheaper accomodation facilities. They are looking for high paying guests to visit their countries to earn more money for the country. In some developed countries they have camping parks with all the facilities for the camps and camping vehicles in their permises.
Recently Sri Lanka Government had allowed 7 more country people to enter Sri Lanka on free Entry Entry Visas. So, if you are planning to come over here on a camping stay, check with your travel agent about this free visa offer.On the other hand the entry visa fee had been rapidly increased as the Government sees millions of tourists are visiting Sri lanka in the recent months.Sri Lanka public long distance trains have special luggage section in each compartments.
In the USA you can find special camping sites that used to offer, electricity, cooking gas, water and so on. But here is Sri Lanka you can find camping sites that are far different from the USA parking sites. They offer you comfort stay and fantastic opportunity to enjoy the nature but with limited luxury facilities. In addition, they are far cheaper than in the developed countries in over all expenses.
In the remote side of the Jaffna areas you won't find bath rooms. You can use the public wells where you can draw water from the well to bath. It is a nice experience as the water is fresh and cool. Also you can find water ponds that are used by the village people. In some place there are huts made of leaves and the walls are stuffed with mud. The ground too is made with clay and made to be smooth to sleep on. Most of these huts can be rented out. The important thing is that these huts don't have doors or windows. But will offer you totally thrilling experience to stay over there and you can wake to the sounds of nearby birds, cows, dogs and roosters.
Also there you can find tree top huts that are made for the farmers which you can rent out from the local people for 2 - 3 days or till the time you end with your local tour. Every where you can find bottled mineral water and international brand soft drinks. So go to north Sri Lanka to find new way of living and joy.
While in Jaffna find a good place for you to sleep in the night time. In the morning take a bicycle and pack it with food and water. Ride to some lonely place or a beach and sit down and enjoy your day till to the evening. Take baths in the sea, ponds and in wells. Get back to your room for the night stay. This is the best way to enjoy your life while you are staying in Jaffna. October to December is rainy season in Northern Province, Sri Lanka.
Month of April is very hot
in this place.
Our advice:
In Sri Lanka never take your camping spot near to elephant's wandering routes Recently two locals were attacked by wild elephants while they were sleeping in the make shift camp in a elephant wandering area. Find a good place from a company or from experienced plot owner to erect your camp. Otherwise there are people who will claim that lands belong to them and will ask you to pay money for them. Most of the bare lands don't have sewage facility or good drinking water. Also take care of your belongings and of your health. Mineral waters are available in 20 Lt, 5Lt and 1Lt plastic bottles. 20 Lt Bottle is a refill one and returns and get a new bottle with water from the nearest store. Super market offers ice cube packs for sale.