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Nallur Kandasamy Temple is one of the popular places in Jaffna where lot of people visit here daily for to offer prayers to Lord Muruga.
Nainatheevu is an Island with worshiping places which were built in the ancient times. It is called Nagadeepa in Sinhala.
5:44 AM 1/16/2025
Bird watching in Jaffna, Sri Lanka can give you memorable experience, as there are lot of local bird and migrating verities are available in Jaffna District. Sri Lanka is located in the tropical region, so you have good chance to observe many kinds of beautiful birds and butterflies that belongs to this tropical region. In Jaffna district, there are no large forests or rain forests but it have small forests like bush land and marsh land environment. In addition there are many places with mangroves and beaches that are breeding places for birds. Throughout the year Jaffna offers best opportunity to watch birds, except the rainy season around December. Lot of migrating birds like flamingos, Russian ducks and seagull used to visit for season. While you are touring this district there are great opportunities for you to view beautiful local and migratory birds where some of them make adorable sounds too. Migratory birds used to stay in Jaffna, from the months of August to April and it is suitable for photography, sound recording and video photography.
No camera accessories are available for sale in Jaffna like wise in Colombo. Also there are not any professional photogrphy equipment renting organizations. Although you can find memory cards, camera batteries and other similar objects in the Town Centre. Good studios are available for to make printouts of your captured images. Studios here offer one hour print-out service along with matt or gloss print paper selection. Moreover, in Colombo you can rent digital SLR cameras along with other essential photography equipments. You need to provide your passport photocopy and a reasonable amount of money as deposit when renting the equipments. Normally the equipments are provided on daily rental basis.
Lot of India , Australia, German, UK and America wild life photographers and amature photographers used to come over here. They used to capture images of wild animal, birds and butterflies in the northern Province.
You may have heard about South Georgia Island, Cape May, New Jersey, Pantanal, Brazil and Broome in Western Australia for best bird spices. But here in Sri Lanka, local and immigrant Birds are unique and you must be patient to meet them in day time and night time.
Find varities of local birdssuch as Honey Bird, Kuyil, sparrow, Mynah, Eagle, wood pecker, Kingfisher and many more verities of birds. Most of them used to visit in the morning while some varieties used to visit in the evenings only. Local people are very helpful to guide you to find these birds like owl and falcons where they used to nest and rest. Morning is the best time to go for bird watching rather than the evenings as they may be little noisy. Popular areas for to watch migratory birds are Naranthanai, Karainagar, Thondamanaru, VallaiVeli, Sarasalai, Mandaitivu and Delft Island.
Meanwhile, if you are serious bird watcher, then don't miss Chundikulam sanctuary area which is located 65 Km from the Jaffna Town and there is a good place for you to rest called as Nature Park Holiday Resort. The place is run and maintained by the Sri Lanka army. This place is good for to watch both salt water and fresh water birds. Earlier this place was a salt water area and now it is becoming as a fresh water area as the sea is blocked recently. Madu and Mannar too are good places in the Jaffna district to watch local and migratory birds, Specially Indian region birds during the season. Keep your cameras and recorders fully loaded as there is lot of birds waiting for you attention to capture as images, video clips and to record their sweet voices. In the meantime there are thousands of crows can be seen in the
Now traveling to Jaffna is not a difficult task as you can travel by A/C train or can take seaplane from Colombo to Jaffna. Train can reach Jaffna bby in 6 hours of time. In the meantime there are lot of Luxury buses too are playing between Colombo and Jaffna town. Most of them operate in the night time only. We wish you a good bird watching trip in Jaffna district. Also you can find lot of birds all over the Sri Lanka forest areas. It is better to contact local area bird watchers to get more idea on this. They can be met through Facebook social media page. There are hundreds of active bird watchers are active in Sri Lanka. You can find them in the Facebook pages with their captured photos and video clips.
If you are going to Nothern Province on holidays hire your GoPro cameras from Colombo on daily rental basis. Also you have to provide a returnable deposit and a photocopy of your current passport to the company in Colombo. You can rent out Tuk Tuk, Motorcycles, Scooters and Bicycles on daily basis in the Jaffna Town.